This is the documentation for 2021-02-23 but the latest version is 2022-02-01. You can switch versions in the menu.


Any tool that is fluent in HTTP can communicate with the API simply by requesting the correct URI. The interface responds to different methods depending on the action required.

Method Use
GET For simple retrieval of information, you should use the GET method. The information you request will be returned to you as a JSON object. Any request using the GET method is read-only and will not affect any of the objects you are querying.
DELETE To destroy a resource, use the DELETE method. This will remove the specified object if it is found. If it is not found, the operation will return a response indicating that the object was not found.
PUT To update the information about a resource, the PUT method is available. The PUT request contains all attributes that are to be updated for an object.
POST To create a new object, your request should specify the POST method. The POST request includes all of the attributes necessary to create a new object. When you wish to create a new object, send a POST request to the target endpoint.